Progress has been a bit slow for the last few weeks because I’ve personally lost a large amount of time to playing Stardew Valley, but we’ve managed to still fit in a number of important features for this month’s update.
- There is now support for harnessing LLVM’s JIT engine in user code
#import "Compiler";
// Since metaprograms are just fully JIT-ed LLVM modules,
// we have been internally using the JIT-er to lookup the "main" symbol
// in a program and call that... We no longer do that internally.
// There is a legacy function in Compiler to mimick the way this worked
// previously, but now we allow user code to fully leverage this functionality.
func @metaprogram main() {
var options: Build_Options;
options.only_want_obj_file = true;
var compiler = create_compiler_instance(*options);
if compiler_load_string(compiler, CODE_TO_COMPILE) != true return;
if compiler_typecheck_program(compiler) != true return;
if compiler_generate_llvm_module(compiler) != true return;
// New function to JIT the entire program.
if compiler_jit_program(compiler) != true return;
// Once compiler_jit_program passes, we can now arbitrarily query symbols
// and call into them.
var do_a_thing = cast(() -> void) compiler_jit_lookup_symbol(compiler, "do_a_thing");
var do_a_thing2 = cast((p: string) -> void) compiler_jit_lookup_symbol(compiler, "do_a_thing2");
do_a_thing2("Howdy :)");
#import "LibC";
// We are using the @export tag here for the sake of demonstration, otherwise
// we would need to lookup the proper jiyu-mangled names.
func @export("do_a_thing") do_a_thing() {
printf("Hello, Sailor\n");
func @export("do_a_thing2") do_a_thing2(str: string) {
printf("Hello, Pilot! %.*s\n", str.length,;
Additionally, we now provide a library version of the compiler that is built alongside the compiler driver program. The API is exactly the same whether the user code is running as a metaprogram or as a compiled binary. This allows users to effectively implement custom driver frontends that support arbitrary operations that the official driver does not. This also allows compiled user code to JIT-compile Jiyu code at runtime, enabling games to embed Jiyu as a robust scripting system, or enabling IDEs to embed Jiyu in environments where running external executables and toolchains is not allowed.
- Support for operator overloading has been added. Currently, only
, and/
can be overloaded, but support for more operators will be added in the future.
#import "LibC";
struct Vector3 {
var x: float;
var y: float;
var z: float;
func make(x: float, y: float, z: float) -> Vector3 {
var v: Vector3;
v.x = x;
v.y = y;
v.z = z;
return v;
operator+(b: float, str: string) -> float {
return b + cast(float) str.length;
operator+(a: Vector3, b: Vector3) -> Vector3 {
return Vector3.make(a.x+b.x, a.y+b.y, a.z+b.z);
operator-(a: Vector3, b: Vector3) -> Vector3 {
return Vector3.make(a.x-b.x, a.y-b.y, a.z-b.z);
func print_vector(v: Vector3) {
printf("vector3: %f, %f, %f\n", v.x, v.y, v.z);
func @metaprogram main() {
var a = Vector3.make(1, 2, 3);
var b = Vector3.make(4, 5, 6);
var c = a + b;
var d = b - a;
printf("1.0 + \"Hello\": %f\n", 1.0 + "Hello");
castano has implemented support for
operator that resolves to the type of an input declaration. -
castano has implemented support for enums:
#import "LibC";
#import "Basic";
enum Day : uint {
Tuesday = Monday + 1;
Wednesday = 2;
Friday = 1 + Thursday;
enum WeekendDay {
Saturday = cast(WeekendDay)Day.Saturday; // This should require a cast. Do not allow implicit cast from one enum to another.
enum Bool : uint8 { False; True; }
typealias DAY = Day;
var another_day : DAY = Day.Monday;
var monday = Day.Monday;
var tuesday : Day = Day.Tuesday;
var sunday : Day = cast(Day)WeekendDay.Sunday;
var my_day : Day;
func test(day : Day) -> int {
return cast(int)day + 1;
func main() {
var day : Day;
let Monday = Day.Monday;
let Tuesday = Monday + 1;
assert(typeof(Monday) == Day);
let MONDAY = cast(int)Day.Monday; // Type of MONDAY is int
assert(typeof(MONDAY) == int);
printf("Monday = %d\n", Day.Monday);
printf("Tuesday = %d\n", Day.Tuesday);
printf("Wednesday = %d\n", Day.Wednesday);
printf("Thursday = %d\n", Day.Thursday);
printf("Friday = %d\n", Day.Friday);
printf("Saturday = %d\n", Day.Saturday);
printf("Sunday = %d\n", Day.Sunday);
printf("test(Day.Monday) = %d\n", test(Day.Monday));
// Implicit calls from integer to enum:
// Currently these are only allowed when the expression is a mutable literal.
var day : Day = 0;
printf("test(0) = %d\n", test(0));
//printf("Whatever = %d\n", Day.Whatever); // This should trigger an error.
var day : Day = .Monday;
if day == .Wednesday {
day = .Sunday;
if .Wednesday > day {
// test(1 + .Tuesday); // This produces an error, as expected.
Additionally, support for enum bit-flags is also available:
#import "LibC";
#import "Basic";
enum @flags Entity_Flags {
func main () {
printf("%d\n", Entity_Flags.Invisible | .Solid | .Cast_Shadows);
- Tuples are now part of the language:
#import "LibC";
func test() -> (a: int, b: float) {
// arguments in tuple-expressions are automatically inferred
// according to the fields of the tuple being assigned, returned, or passed to.
return (1, 4);
func test3() -> (c: int, d: float) {
return (1, 2);
func test2(a: (a: int, b: float)) {
printf("T2: %d\n", a.a);
printf("T2: %f\n", a.b);
func main() {
var t = test();
var t3 = test3();
// t and t3 are the same type as far as the type system is concerned,
// their tuples will share the same type information in the RTTI system,
// and internally, they will have the same type table index,
// however, since the semantic analysis system assigns types in-place,
// t and t3 have distinct fields.
// t.c = t3.a; // this fails
printf("%d\n", t.a);
printf("%f\n", t.b);
printf("%d\n", t3.c);
printf("%f\n", t3.d);
t = t3;
t = (2, 4);
printf("%d\n", t.a);
printf("%f\n", t.b);
test2((6, 9));
var n: int;
var m: float;
// In the event that a tuple-expression is on the left-hand-side
// of an assignment, the type of the tuple is directly determined by
// the types of its arguments, regardless of the type of the tuple
// on the right-hand-side.
// Each field of the tuple on the right-hand-side is unpacked into
// the individual arguments of the tuple-expression on the left-hand-
// side.
(n, m) = test();
// Like other types of assignments, you cannot try to use a literal
// in a tuple expression on the left-hand-side of an assignment.
// (n, 1) = test(); // does not work.
printf("n: %d\n", n);
printf("m: %f\n", m);
// These do not work yet, but are planned to be available eventually.
var (i, j) = test();
var (i: int, j: float) = test();
Additional changes include improved support for C interfaces on various platforms, improved support for trivial-constant-folding, and various fixes.
I want to again thank the contributors for picking up this project and helping to improve it!
The code for the compiler can be found at: jiyu. Pull requests, feature requests, and issue reports are all welcome.